You Can Relax You're Here Now - Online Show

Enjoy a few episodes from an online show "You Can Relax You Are Here Now", broadcast from my kitchen in Halifax. Sometimes live, sometimes pre-recorded, often silly, vaguely musical.

Episode 8: I Kissed You Again. 

THIS IS THE BEST ONE YET FOR SURE! Warning: Includes zombie faces and blown kisses. 


Episode 7: Jen

"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way." - Victor Frankl. 

Find out more about and order Jen Powley's inspiring book "Just Jen - Thriving Through Multiple Sclerosis" at


Episode 6: Supernatural 

They just played the new version of Supernatural on the radio out here in Canada and might be playing it some more in the next month or two... nice turn up for the books! Thought I'd celebrate by doing a little acoustic version of the song this evening as the sun went down in the Okanagan Valley. 
You can purchase your download or CD of the album "An Old Innocence" and stream it in full at 
Big thank you to all those who continue to buy music and support independent artists in the free, streaming world.


Episode 5: UFO

​​​​​​Where I visit a UFO landing pad in Alberta and muse on the fear of love and the joy of surrender. 

If you like the vibe, just follow notifications on my FB page.  

You might also like my music - just search "Jont" on Spotify / Apple Music;  watch videos at and get a free EP when you join the mailing list at 

And remember....none of this really matters! X Jont